Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Feathered "Friends"?

I've always enjoyed feeding the birds: cardinals, chickadees, finches, etc. It's a nice family activity. The boys like to fill the feeders, and they've started to recognize the different types of birds that visit. Lately, however, I've been getting a few new visitors!

The crows surprised me! I've never seen one so close. I think they like the peanuts I put out. They do tend to be bullies. Everyone takes off when they show up in their gangs of five or six. I would too! They are huge, especially when they come in as a group! I thought the man was here to clean our gutters the other morning, and it was just the crows walking on our roof.
This really surprised me! I opened our bedroom blinds this morning and was taking in the beautiful morning when I saw this guy. Is that a hawk!??! This guy was fixated on something, and I didn't think it was the sunflower seeds. It didn't take me long to realize that the little chipmunk in our yard was soon going to be brunch! So much for the peaceful dining on our deck!

"Hey lady! I see you up there!"


Anonymous said...

Beware of the starlings Amy! They are nasty birds (nest invaders) and are all over Knoxville. They fly in huge flocks and make a stink out of things as well. If you see them start popping up on your deck, go on the defense.....

Anonymous said...

Beware of the starlings Amy! They are nasty birds (nest invaders) and are all over Knoxville. They fly in huge flocks and make a stink out of things as well. If you see them start popping up on your deck, go on the defense.....