Friday, September 14, 2007

Rainy Day Fun

Wonderful, glorious much-needed rain. The only problem is when you have promised your kids a trip to the zoo and other fun things that morning. So you scratch your head and come up with . . .

A picnic in the garage! I know it sounds lame, but it was something different, and they were happy!

That brings a smile!

I then made a "race track" in the garage with chairs for obstacles, and the kids raced around, happy as clams.


Danielle said...

Amy, I'm glad you found me. Your children look so full of life! Aren't they such a gift? I love the connections adoption makes...

ccw said...

What a great idea! Can I use your garage? Ours is so full that we cannot park a car or have a picnic.

Amy said...

Ours' was packed until the ATV met its maker . . .