Saturday, August 19, 2006

Is it Already "That Time of the Year"?

This was waiting for me this morning. If I start to buy for Christmas now I can get free shipping. I can't believe it! I just can't do it when it's still summer! Maybe I should take better advantage of these "sales", but it just seems like we finished Christmas eight months ago! Oh! Wait a minute . . .
When do you start to give into the buy- early- for- the- holidays-and-save- bug?


Michelle said...

That's so cute. That would be a good idea to go ahead and save the money on shipping, if you have the money to spend, I guess. I usually don't buy things real early. I'm too bad at wanting to give it to the person if I have it. Although I might buy some things early this year, considering it might make it seem like times going faster until Eric's home, lol.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I know! I saw the Halloween costumes out already in stores and had to do a double-take. I thought it was "back to school time!" I saw in the toy aisle at Target that they are already putting out the Christmas toys. AH! Usually I get the bug in October and start buying a little here & there- as long as I am finished BEFORE Thanksgiving!!