Friday, June 11, 2010

Memorial Weekend 2010 011
I'm tired.

The funny thing?

We haven't even started to really move things.

The movers should be here in about 12 days or so.

As of yesterday the national company said that a local company still had not picked up our move.

They aren't worried but for some reason I'm a little concerned.

Less than 2 weeks and no local office has us on their books.

Should be interesting to see how this all plays out.

My neighbor came over two days ago and asked if I wanted to do a yard sale with her this weekend. I was having an excess energy moment - I think I had downed a few Diet Cokes - and I gave her an enthusiastic "YES!" My energy faded some when Dave reminded me that he has drill this weekend.

Eee gads! A yard sale with my four kids under foot. I need to put the filter back on my mouth and slow down before I commit.

Still, it's refreshing to get rid of stuff. We've been here for almost four years and we've really spread out. I've been able to "hide" things in closets and put things up until "I have the time to really go through all this". Never found that time and now I'm getting rid of so much.

I just need to get my hubby on board. He saves just about everything.

Kids are home so blogging has really slowed. I've really started to think about stopping, but last year I had my blog made into a memory book, and it's really neat to read what is essentially a journal. I need to keep it going for myself and my family if for no other reason.

Changing the subject, I'm going to be driving out to Kansas by myself with the kids. I need to prepare my arsenal to combat whiny kids and boredom. Any ideas?

Off to pack, sort, clean, etc. Will be back soon!


Amanda Holm said...

Diapers notwithstanding, who is that big kid sitting in that office chair? Last I knew, you had a baby, not a little boy. Growing right up, he is.

I'm largely in denial about our move, which is coming up next week(!). I wish I could have a garage sale. At least the movers will do the packing for us, so I don't have to scramble around with that. And they didn't confirm for us 'til the last minute (i.e. today, and the move is alleged to be Tuesday) as well.

Anyway... good luck with it all. I hope we keep keeping in touch. :)

Christy said...

Praying your move went smoothly. Hope you'll be back on soon! God's blessings